


A small sampling of what I've been up to over the last year.  



Combining my love of coding with my love for reading, BookWorm aims to make reading materials more accessible. To that end, BookWorm provides branch location information for the DC Public Library system, as well as a feature that allows for online book searches through the Google Books catalog. BookWorm was built entirely in React over three days in June 2017.


meet the candidates

The Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) was created in order to help elect Democratic candidates to the office of Attorney General. 'Meet The Candidates' is a user-friendly way to educate the public about DAGA candidates running in the 2018 election cycle. This page, and the nested profile pages within were all built from scratch off an existing Wordpress install. The map image was created using GIMP. This is one of many Wordpress projects I've built since joining DAGA as their Web Development Fellow.



StoryDoc is an application that provides a platform for documentary photographers. a StoryDoc user can package photos and text into individual stories. this offers the user a clean and organized method for both storing and distributing their work. StoryDoc was built entirely in Rails over five days in April 2017.



Weatro allows the user to retrieve real-time train arrival data, and real-time weather data, for any rail station in the DC Metro network (WMATA). Weatro was built as a group project, and uses a Rails back-end with an Angular front-end.




Simon is a Javascript version of the classic 80s game.




MakeaMeme is a dynamic meme generator built using jQuery.